
Monday, November 22, 2010

The Modern Three Kingdom

make ready...
let's make it "a happening year end game"

Play Hard...
Play Safe...
Back home safe....

Over The Sea,
Under The Wing of an Eagle.....
The Talons of GAU will
grip & Rock The Three Kingdom....
Let's Paint Langkawi, Painters.....
Make ready..............!!!!

day are getting closer for the big year end event....

There will be a TREASURE HUNT after the game for
bring in yr marker and yr mask as you can shoot any one on yr way
to yr TREASURE.....
THIS surprise everyone is on yr own and
THANKS AOV JOHOR for the sponsorship cheers..

Friday, November 12, 2010

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Walimatil Urus....
En.Mohd.Nizam & Su...

Monday, November 8, 2010

Nov 7th 2010 - Gunsmith Challange...
With the participation's from Gunsmith,Wolf Pack,GAU,Assasin...
event went splendid...
The total accumulated players for the day was at 40 plus, inclusive of walk in.

The event was a success.
Great job to all players...

Looking forward for the next muzzle fights.